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Ginger Brown chickens are known for prolific egg laying and friendly dispostions, and they will usually start to lay earlier than other chickens, often before 20 weeks. If you are selling eggs, this is an excellent layer who will lay year round for the first 2 years. Very kid-friendly.


Please note that as a high-production hen, Ginger Browns must be fed a balanced laying formula containing at least 16% protein after they start to lay (all hens should be on 20% grower until they begin laying). I recommend this for all breeds, but I know some farms prefer to feed scratch grains supplemented with pasture or scraps. These birds will NOT do well on such a diet. Nutritional deficiencies in high-production hens can quickly lead to feather picking, egg eating, and premature death. These birds were bred to be egg-laying machines, and must be fed accordingly. 


Egg Size/Color: Large, Brown

Avg Eggs Per Year: 300 - 350

Ginger Browns

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